Master in International Business Grande Ecole Program

Accredited to the highest degree
Master delivered by ESG Management School
This program is recognized and accredited to the highest degree by the French Ministry of Education, it delivers the Grade Master.
Visa accredited by the French Ministry of Education
Thanks to its program, the school has been consistently ranked as the best post-baccalaureate school of business and management in France.
Duration of this program : 2years (intake september)
The objective of this Master program is to educate managers in order to make them capable of developing and controlling the international activities of corporations and companies. It allows students to develop the ability to adapt easily to different countries and cultures as well as increase their knowledge in several languages.
Some Possibilities of Dual Degree with one of our prestigious international partner universities:
Boston University USA : Msc in Administrative Studies with a concentration in:
• Financial economics
• Multinational Marketing
• E-Commerce
• Innovation and technology
Griffith University Australia
• Master of International Business
• Master of Asian Studies
• Master of Marketing
• Master of Information Systems
Middlesex University England
• Master in Marketing Management
• Master in Financial Management
• Master in International Business Management
Lectures, case studies, individual and group exercises are used in varying proportions depending on the subject matter. Students benefit not only from the expertise and experience of the faculty but also from the participation of experts from the business world.
Students with this Master degree have gone on to work in many different fields such as:
General management, export and import management, management consulting, international licensing, business policy consulting, joint venture management, international marketing, foreign exchange trading, international business engineer, etc.
In order to apply for this graduate program:
- Candidates must have a Bachelor’s degree completed (180 ECTS or equivalent outside France) with official accreditation from the country of origin.
- Applicants whose native language is not English, must fulfill one of the following language requirements:
- IELTS: minimum of 6.5 overall (with a minimum of 6 in all bands)
- TOEFL: minimum of 90 (with a minimum of 20 in all bands)
- TOEIC: minimum score of 750
- Optional GMAT minimum score : 550
To apply:
Download application form OR CONTACT us
Students will be requested to send the necessary documents later on in the admission process (like the application form filled and signed, copy of highest degree completed, copy of passport, short resume...)
In addition, Candidates are required to pass an interview, the interviews are conducted in English by telephone or Skype.
Candidates will receive the Admission board’s decision by post and by email. Upon admission, each candidate receives an acceptance letter.