International BBA

Accredited internationally by the IACBE
The International Bachelor of Business Administration is the standard Anglo-Saxon undergraduate business degree offered to prepare for the international business world.
The International BBA is a three year program allowing both new and transfer students the opportunity to select courses which are most appropriate for their future careers.
In addition, third year students are able to participate in an exchange program, lasting from one semester to one academic year, at our international partner universities. Students are also offered the opportunity to complete internships in France or abroad while studying.
The school offers a combination of real-world experience and cutting-edge training in business to prepare our talented, ambitious students to be mission-ready upon graduation. A unique, international experience in the heart of Paris!
Our experienced international faculty brings academic and professional learning to life, while bringing cutting-edge teaching methods to the table, ensuring that students receive quality training in International Management and Business.
Students with this degree have the possibility to enter the professional world for a variety of management positions, including:human resources manager,project planner, operations manager, sales manager, loss prevention manager and cost estimator.
In order to apply for the International BBA program:
- Candidates must have successfully completed their high school studies (or be in the process of completing high school).
- Non-native English speakers must provide proof of English language proficiency (TOEFL, TOEIC or IELTS results)
- The Admissions committee also pays particular attention to extra-curricular activities when making their admissions decision.
To apply:
Download application form OR CONTACT us
Students will be requested to send the necessary documents later on in the admission process (like the application form filled and signed, copy of highest degree completed, copy of passport, short resume...)
In addition, Candidates are required to pass an interview, the interviews are conducted in English by telephone or Skype.
Candidates will receive the Admission board’s decision by post and by email. Upon admission, each candidate receives an acceptance letter.